The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan


Grow firewood yourself around Nurata Reserve

The project plans to create one demonstration plantation of wood firewood

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Norvon: from cattle breeding to forestry

Any trouble from the part of a man can lead to the degradation of drought ecosystem.

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Establishment of stool bed of rarity pistachio

During the project realization we saw ourselves what benefits could be brought by the development of industrial plantations of pistachio.

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Power efficiency of heating systems in apartment houses of Tashkent city

Most apartment buildings in Tashkent are still having heating systems that are built on iron pipes.

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Biogas in Syrdarya

A constant problem with energy supply pushed the farmer to searching the way out.

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Good yield and water saving can be achieved without expenses for tillage

But only few people know that all these kinds of tillage are harmful for the soil

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Greenhouse in SamSU: power efficiency is serving people

Energy is one of the main motive forces of a country development, though sometimes we underestimate its importance.

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Creation of the centre for renewable sources of energy and energy saving technologies in Nazarkhan settlement

In the context of the global problems, that are associated with the use of nonrenewable energy sources, there is a local one which is inherent to this region.

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Biogas in Yakkabog settlement of Kashkadarya region

The project objective is to demonstrate the possibility of using biogas installation to meet the needs for energy of the rural population.

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Micro hydro station for the needs of the Chosh mountain settlement

Our goal is to increase the number of such stations in mountain areas and not only there.

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