It's not a secret that we are rapidly losing our agro biodiversity.
The project is intending to restore woods on their early habitats – within the territory of Kashkadarya region in Kuruksay canyon.
When the fuel is used to heat greenhouses, there is a question of the country's food security.
Retrieved gas will also be used for heating of a nearby school and provide it with electricity received from produced biogas.
The water supply situation in the province is not an easy one.
This is an exact name of the project which means a lot of interesting and splendid work for improvement of the situation with biodiversity being protected by ecocenter Djeyran.
Zarafshan State Nursery is intended to preserve the unique riparian woodland for future generations.
Just for the last 500 years more than 800 species have disappeared from the earth due to human activity, which make almost two species per year!
Comfortable conditions for pistachios are available in many mountainous regions of Uzbekistan.
Recently, significant loading is increasing towards the nature from the growing population.
It is about the young enthusiasts, connoisseurs and lovers of the bird’s kingdom Helen and Paul.
In recent years, the problem of endangered species is particularly acute in our society