In what areas does the GEF SGP work?
The GEF SGP aims to:
We can consider any project ideas that will contribute to the achievement of these goals. You can read more about the directions and why our Program works in our country's program strategy.
How does the GEF SGP work?
The GEF SGP provides financial assistance in the form of a grant for the implementation of projects that, as a result, have any of the benefits for nature described above. A grant is money that is given free of charge and does not need to be returned.
Who can apply to the GEF SGP for a grant?
Organizations only. Individuals cannot apply to the GEF SGP to receive a grant. Moreover, the organization must be non-profit, i.e. do not have the status of a commercial organization in accordance with the current legislation.
Also, this organization should not be part of the government, i.e. it must be nongovernmental. Examples of organizations who can apply to the GEF SGP may be: mahalla, a village gathering of citizens, an association of private homeowners, a farmers 'council or water users' association, or other associations, NGOs, academic structures, etc.
The wording adopted by the GEF SGP in Uzbekistan is:
A non-governmental, non-profit organization is a legal entity that has a certificate of state registration, which has its own name, a bank account, a TIN number, which does not have the main purpose of generating income and does not distribute the received financial and other income between the founders, does not pursue political and/or religious purposes, and expressing/representing the views of a specific target group (s).
What is the maximum grant size that can be obtained from the GEF SGP?
The maximum amount of a possible grant is equal to the equivalent of US $ 50,000 disbursed in local currency at the national exchange rate.
Can the GEF SGP finance the entire amount of the project?
No, the GEF SGP can finance only a part of the project, not exceeding 50% of the total project amount. The amount of the grant from the GEF SGP should be added to the already planned costs of the applicant. However, the applicant can provide his share for the implementation of the project in kind. The applicant can invest in the project his materials (pipes, wood, metal, etc.), the use of his equipment (tractor, machine, pump, etc.), his own work and the work of other community members, etc. Or the applicant can invest their money.
For more details, see the criteria by which we select projects here.
Why doesn't the GEF SGP finance the entire cost of the project?
Because the GEF SGP is entirely focused on obtaining benefits for nature. Hence the principle of financing only that part of the costs that will benefit nature. For example, a council of farmers of a certain territory is going to purchase a conventional harrow and seeder for cultivating the land and is going to spend 20 million soums on this purchase. At the same time, this equipment is planned to be used for cultivating the land by the method of deep plowing, and this method of cultivating the soil has a very harmful effect on its quality. However, there are other methods of cultivating the land that do not cause as much damage to the soil - for example, the no-till method. However, applying the zero-till method requires equipment that is more expensive - say, for example, 32 million soums. But farmers only have 20 million soums, and most likely they will purchase conventional deep plowing equipment, because it is cheaper. But if you add the missing 12 million, farmers can purchase equipment that will benefit nature in the form of soil quality preservation. SGP GEF can add these 12 million soums. In other words, the GEF SGP buys benefits for nature for 12 million soums. Which? Farmers will now use cultivation equipment that both benefits them and keeps the soil healthy and fertile. And this is beneficial to nature. The total amount of the project will be 32 million, of which farmers will spend 20 million and 12 million will be allocated as a grant from the GEF SGP.
Is there any special application form for receiving a grant from the GEF SGP?
Yes, I have. You can find the application form in the section “How to get a grant”, subsection “How does the project start?”, Or from the GEF SGP team. In addition, the forms will be distributed through all UNDP projects that operate in the regions of the country.
What are the coordinates of the GEF SGP team?
You can find all the coordinates of our team by clicking on this link.
Are there clearly described procedures for contacting the GEF SGP?
Yes, I have. You can familiarize yourself with the procedures in the section “How to get a grant”, or you can contact the GEF SGP team, and we will send you this information by e-mail. Or just by regular mail. We also plan to disseminate information about the GEF SGP and its procedures through khokimiyats, farmers' councils and women's committees. In any case, it is advisable to first seek advice from the Program team.
Does the GEF SGP have a clear focus of work or can it help any initiatives that are somehow related to nature?
Unfortunately, the Program cannot cover all aspects and help in everything. Therefore, the program has a clear focus. The topic of the work is given above. These are several main areas: