The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan


Almonds - an alternative "cash" crop for the dry areas of Uzbekistan

Complex and changing climatic conditions are forcing all land users to adapt to water scarcity and hotter conditions. How can land management in dry conditions be made more sustainable and more economically viable? Our project is about this. We plant almonds.

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How to make beekeepers a profitable business?

The development of beekeeping is one of the most important areas in which humanity can succeed in doing something important so as not to kill itself completely. No pollination, no humanity. Pollination is one of the MOST important ecological services of nature for the existence of humans as a species. What can be done to develop beekeeping in Uzbekistan?

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Nurata project

This project is a biodiversity conservation project.

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I want to catch big or small fish…

There is no big fish in the rivers and lakes of Uzbekistan.

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Project on development of beekeeping in Parkent district

The project is planning to teach beekeeping to 20 locals from mountain settlements of Parkent distrist.

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Project to create an electronic database of plants

Few probably know that we have a magnificent herbarium on the basis of the Institute of Botany.

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Cloning plants for the rapid production of seedlings

It's not a secret that we are rapidly losing our agro biodiversity.

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The project on the expansion of Djeiran ecocenter

This is an exact name of the project which means a lot of interesting and splendid work for improvement of the situation with biodiversity being protected by ecocenter Djeyran.

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The project for conservation of biodiversity in Zarafshan reserve

Zarafshan State Nursery is intended to preserve the unique riparian woodland for future generations.

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First steps on cheetah reintroduction in Uzbekistan

Just for the last 500 years more than 800 species have disappeared from the earth due to human activity, which make almost two species per year!

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"Point of growth" pistachios in Tashkent region

Comfortable conditions for pistachios are available in many mountainous regions of Uzbekistan.

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Anti-poaching by means of video surveillance

Recently, significant loading is increasing towards the nature from the growing population.

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