National Steering Committee (NSC) is the main governing body of the GEF SGP. It approves the activities of the GEF SGP in the country. It reviews and makes decisions on the projects. It evaluates the work of the GEF SGP National Coordinator. And it is responsible for the monitoring of the Programme realization as a whole. The function of the NSC is to serve as the GEF SGP key management element. For more details on the NSC functions, see below.
Download the text of NSC terms of reference
The NSC is appointed by the UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan and is approved by the GEF SGP Global Manager in New York. The committee is elected for the term of 2 years when the NSC staff is changed. It does not mean that all the members will be replaced; some of them can be re-elected for the next term. Upon 2-year term expiry, we will announce a vacancy for the position of NSC member, after that the new staff will be announced. Currently, the NSC consists of the following members:
Nodir Yunusov – a Representative of the State Committee on Nature Protection
Javlon Tashpulatov – acting director of the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Graduated from Tashkent Agriculture Institute (plants protection department), studied in England (plants molecular biology) and Australia (business administration). Defended Ph.D. thesis in microbiology. Professional interests – microbiology and biotechnology. Well acquainted with the ecologic situation in the country. During the last 3-4 years extensively traveled the territory of the republic – to research extreme zones of Uzbekistan in order to study its microbial diversity and its use in biotechnological production. Married, 3 children.
Natalia Shulepina - a journalist on environmental thematic. She has been describing environmental issues in our country for a long time. She is managing a website on this thematic -
Anna Ten – only one representative of the youth, from the Youth Environmental Network of Uzbekistan. Was accepted as a Committee member with great pleasure because it is very important to bring up the capabilities of the young generation to take part in decision-making and take responsibility by themselves. Anna is intended as a coordinating link between the work of young people in environmental activities and the work of the GEF SGP.
Anna was born in 1982. From 2001 to 2007 she worked in the lab of Ornithology Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2005 she graduated from the National University of Uzbekistan with Masters degree. From 2007 to present is a worker of NGO Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds. Since 2006 - an activist of the Youth Environmental Network in Uzbekistan. Anna is a good specialist in the field of biodiversity conservation, she participated in many projects.
Nazar Ibragimov – a Professor, a Director of NGO KRASS, a high professional in the field of conservation farming. He is a representative from the nongovernmental sector and from the scientific community in our committee. His theme is the degradation of the lands. Works in Urgench, Khorezm region. His participation should increase an expansion of information and coordination of the actions for the southern part of Uzbekistan – Khorezm region, Karakalpakistan.
Lyudmila Shardakova – a Representative of the Public Service – a center of hydrometeorological service under the Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan – a department that is responsible for the activity coordination of UN framework convention on climate change and UN convention on desertification control. An excellent specialist and just a very nice person.
Khurshid Rustamov – UN Coordination Analyst, a representative of UNDP in our committee.
Oleg Richijenko - a Representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan.
Farkhod Kurbonov - a Representative of the JICA Office in Tashkent
The first NSC meeting was held on 9 April 2008. One of the objectives of this meeting was to introduce all members to each other and also to consider the rules and regulations of NSC.
You can read the minutes of this first meeting and also be introduced to the rules and regulations of NSC:
Download the minutes
Download rules and regulations of NSC