The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Water saving technologies for farmers in Kashkadarya region

The problems of water shortage are becoming more acute every year, every season, every day! And farmers feel these problems most of all.

But here’s the paradox: it seems that farmers, who are most interested in introducing any methods of water saving, are in no hurry to do so. And there are many reasons for this, which is a separate topic for discussion.

The training was divided into several thematic components:

  • conserving water and soil moisture through a variety of technologies and practices;
  • efficient use of available water;
  • conservation of water during the transportation stage, where up to 50% of all water is lost
  • and extraction and collection of water and moisture

It was on these topics that technologies were presented that bring proven results.

Separately, those practices that should not be allowed to conserve water were noted:

  • Overgrazing by livestock, which denudes the soil and contributes to the loss of all moisture from the soil;
  • soil leaching, which does not combat the problem of salinization, but only gives a short delay and further aggravates the problem;
  • and the use of water from wells for flood irrigation.

Below you will find training materials

download presentation on water conservation

download the desalinization report