The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

The main work of monitoring the management of biodiversity is assigned to government bodies: the conservation of natural resources depends on effective legislation and the system of enforcement of laws. However, the civil sector can also do a lot to preserve biodiversity.

NNU “Lochinchilar Milliy Markazi” aims to preserve rare species of falcons of Uzbekistan, namely saker falcons, shakhins and peregrine falcons. Therefore, the project is aimed specifically at them, but can have great positive results for other rare species of animals in Uzbekistan.

The saker falcon (Falco cherrug) is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This is a nesting, migratory species, close to vulnerable. In total, about 120-150 pairs nest in our Republic. This species is declining for several reasons, but the project, with the support of the GEF Small Grants Program, will focus on the main ones - poaching and illegal trade. During illegal catching, storage and transportation, a huge number of birds die. From the moment of illegal catching to the moment of illegal sale, about 50% of birds caught in the wild reaches the client.

Балобан птица. Описание, особенности, виды, образ жизни и среда обитания  балобана | Живность.ру

The solution to these problems is the creation of a DNA laboratory for individual genotyping of saker falcons (and other rare animals) and analysis of the general state of populations in nature. For each individual, after determining the genotype, a “genetic passport” will be issued, which will allow tracking the further fate of each bird and eliminate the possibility of illegal activities in relation to them.

In addition, using the example of introducing such a mechanism for one of the most widespread species of birds of prey, widely used for various needs, it is possible to develop and implement a system of genetic monitoring of the circulation of any other animal species in Uzbekistan.

You can also read an article about this project on the website