The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Recently, we are increasingly hearing about climate change and the need to look for ways to adapt to these changes. And this topic has already set the ears of people on edge. So what is adaptation to climate change and how to adapt to the prevailing conditions without loss? Climate change adaptation is the adaptability of natural or anthropogenic systems in response to real or expected climatic changes, which allows one to reduce one's own vulnerability and take advantage of favorable conditions.

Much is said about what brought the world to the edge of the abyss between the new home created by the human mind - "the world of coziness and comfort - civilization" and the choking and pushed aside by the cradle of life - the living world, the kingdom of nature. Many experts and not only agree that it was the rapid development of civilization, population growth and, as a result, the rise of industrialization and industry that led to significant changes in modern climatic conditions. And to say that this is a local problem and is inherent in any one locality or country where society is developing in one way or another is at least not correct. The global nature of the world in the strength of its local connections. And a person must look for ways of his adaptation in a new world, in a world with a changeable climate and an unknown scenario of the future.There is hardly a river here in the spring ...

Much is said about what brought the world to the edge of the abyss between the new home created by the human mind - "the world of coziness and comfort - civilization" and the choking and pushed aside by the cradle of life - the living world, the kingdom of nature. Many experts and not only agree that it was the rapid development of civilization, population growth and, as a result, the rise of industrialization and industry that led to significant changes in modern climatic conditions. And to say that this is a local problem and is inherent in any one locality or country where society is developing in one way or another is at least not correct. The global nature of the world in the strength of its local connections. And a person must look for ways of his adaptation in a new world, in a world with a changeable climate and an unknown scenario of the future.

Unfortunately, the expression of the kingdom of nature loses its color and against the background of the silhouette of a smoldering leaf of a tree, the threatening outlines of the civilized world are looming more and more clearly.

This publication provides a detailed overview of the state of land and water resources in the light of climate change. Practical recommendations are given and proven technologies are proposed that contribute to the preservation and augmentation of natural capital - land, water, energy.

We hope that this publication, being the work of many scientists and specialists, will serve as a good guide for the further activities of those who have devoted themselves to serving the interests of nature and man.

We will be glad if this publication is interesting to you, helps you to understand the real importance of the topics discussed and will benefit the nature and well-being of the country.

Enjoy your reading.

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