The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Collection of educational and methodological aids for conducting classes

As part of the Journalists Knowledge Project, training materials have been produced on three main themes of GEF work:

• on biodiversity;
• on climate change;
• on land degradation.

The materials were prepared by young specialists, and we want to express our sincere gratitude to them. The team of specialists consisted of:

• Alexandra Povarich is the author of all the drawings included in the manual. By the way, she kindly provides drawings for many GEF SGP announcements. Alexandra was responsible for writing the biodiversity chatsie;
• Yuri Moon - he wrote part on climate change;
• Oleg Ivanovich Tsaruk - the most experienced member of the team. He wrote a piece on land degradation.

But learning materials are not just typing to read. Experienced specialists from the University of Westminster (Elena Volkova and Lobar Mukhamedova) have prepared methodological guidelines for those who will conduct trainings based on these training materials.

Now the tutorial consists of 2 parts:

• reading and familiarization materials;
• step by step instructions on how to teach these materials.

In fact, any interested person, any university or school teacher, can take these materials, read them and conduct classes. We have tried to make these materials as accessible and simple as possible, so that it is interesting and understandable for the consciousness of any person.

The materials were tested at a training workshop on September 17-18, 2009. At the seminar, everything was done not in the form of lectures, presentations, but in the form of interactive, normal work, where the participants of the seminar were the center of the work. This is the approach that we always promote during our training events - "Don't just give information, but help people get this information themselves and help them analyze and assimilate it correctly." This is the approach used in this tutorial.

Now anyone can freely download, use and distribute these educational materials. These materials are also available in Uzbek (see the Uzbek version of the site)