The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

How to get a grant from the GEF SGP - seminars in Tashkent, Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions

The GEF SGP conducts training workshops to familiarize farmers and other stakeholders with how the GEF SGP works and how to get a grant from our Program. The workshops are held in 3 focus areas. But participation from other areas is encouraged.

The meetings are planned to be held on February 8-10, 2017. Here is the meeting schedule:

Tashkent region

8 February 2017

Meeting point: Hall of the khokimiyat,

By the address:
Amir Timur Avenue 17
Object orient: Amir Timur Square

Contact person - Bakhodir Turabekov
Phone: +998909598714, 232-7962

Syrdarya region

February 9, 2017
Contact person - Giyos Norkuziev
Number: +998672250059

At 16:00, in the building of the Syrdarya regional khokimiyat

Jizzakh region

February 10, 2017
Contact person - Shavkat Ortikboev
Phone: +998722224199

Place of the meeting: hall of the regional khokimiyat

At the address: st. Sh. Rashidova 63, Jizzakh.

Our contacts with Gulistan and Jizzak should confirm the date and place of the meetings in the near future, and we will immediately announce them on this page.

Please invite all interested farmers from these and other areas. Perhaps some of the farmers and entrepreneurs from neighboring regions will also want to take part. Open to everyone.