The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Want to know more about climate change?

Want to know more about climate change? Take advantage of the e-learning course from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

E-learning to meet the needs of agricultural and food security professionals. The course is in English.

About e-courses

These courses cover a variety of topics in the areas of food security and nutrition, social and economic development, and sustainable natural resource management. All FAO courses are self-paced and offered free of charge. Courses are rich in content, targeted teaching strategies, interactive quizzes, feedback and commentary exercises, and illustrative case studies making often complex topics accessible to aspiring learners and to meet the needs of seasoned professionals looking to update their skills. All courses are modular and tailored to be taught at a time that suits you. You can take a specific lesson when you need it or access comprehensive courses and practice at your own pace and according to your schedule.