A new project for the introduction of alternative ways of obtaining energy for the needs of the population was approved and launched within the framework of the GEF SGP work. This time, it is the project of introducing a biogas installation in Syrdarya region.
Like everywhere in the country, many rural communities often have difficulties with the energy which sometimes restricts their chances to obtain stable income. At the same time, the available energy is spent inefficiently almost everywhere. People often do not realize how much damage they bring to the country, wasting energy. And of course almost nobody thinks how much damage is brought by the people to the nature, in this case to the global natural system.
This project is striving to show farmers of Khavast district, Syrdarya region, how to obtain enough energy for own needs and to get stable profit from such production of energy and, in addition, to benefit the nature and state, by saving energy from common electricity network.
The project stipulates creation of energy complex in "Nadejda" farm, which consists of the installation of biogas production from the waste of cattle breeding, for farm lighting, electricity supply for the nearby well and the use of gas (methane) as fuel for heating the farm. Using of this complex will allow the farm to move to fully autonomous system of power supply, save the cost of gas and electricity and get biologically valuable fertilizer, which can be set on the sale or replace purchasing of fertilizers for growing forage crops.
A constant problem with energy supply pushed the farmer to searching the way out. Currently, in rural areas there is a problem with electricity cuts, and farms in Syrdarya region are no exception. Electricity supply is intermittent, often provided only in the morning and evening hours. Many people arrange heating by electrical appliances, food is cooked on the electric stoves too. And when electricity is not available there, of course it creates some inconveniences and disruptions in normal work of the farmers. In winter, the problem of heating is very sharp and affects not only animals. People have to heat with firewood or coal and cook food on the hearth. Cattle-breeding units are not heated at all, which particularly affects the young. Furthermore, the use of electricity is very expensive and inefficient.
The planned installation is expected to produce 5 tons of organic fertilizer a week and up to 25 m3 of biogas per day. The produced biogas will regulate the heating system of cattle-breeding units and living quarters of "Nadejda" farm, the total area of 1,320 m2 in winter and to establish a system of autonomous power supply of "Nadejda" farm. Processing the animal dung, which until now is simply being decomposed on the farm in the open air and is the cause of methane emissions into the atmosphere, and also by reducing the consumption by the farm of minimum 10,000 kW*h per year of centralized power, the nature will get reduction of emissions into the atmosphere by at least 155 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The project is also planning to produce 500 copies of the brochure, guidance of how to build a biogas installation, in Russian and Uzbek languages, which will be distributed among the farmers of Syrdarya region. At least 45 farmers of Khavast district should participate in the training on how to build a biogas installation at their farms.
You can learn more information about the project from the project document
download project document
Project news:Training by project results for farmers of Kashkadarya region