The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Cloning plants for the rapid production of seedlings

It's not a secret that we are rapidly losing our agro biodiversity. Many local varieties of fruit and vegetables are disappearing because of market demands. Farmers are planting only what sells well, because they look beautiful, transport well, they are also well kept for a long time, etc. Therefore, many local varieties, that have such a rich genetic information, are disappearing. We are loosing the varieties of watermelons, melons, tomatoes, apples, pears, and others.

In addition to the action of the market, there are many other factors why the rare species disappear. With this we really need to do something as quickly as possible, before we loose our agrobiodiversity.

Science helps in such moments, or rather young scientists, or more precisely - a young researcher who has been trained in Turkey and came back to promote new technologies in Uzbekistan. The technology that we are talking about - is the technology of micro-propagation in vitro.

This technology is used as following. Maternal specimens are selected as the starting material for micro-propagation with economically valuable features: high productivity, uprightness, high-density wood, resistant to disease and have a decorative timber and so on. Fragments of the mother plant (buds, leaves, shoots) after a thorough disinfection are placed in containers on the nutrient substratum, where under the influence of a particular combination of plant hormones, the development of primary shoots starts. Evolved primary shoots are separated and subjected to numerous cycles of propagation. Upon receipt of the required number of plants, they spend the last stage in vitro, which focuses on the development of the root system of microplants. And a lot of plants turn out from the parent copy.

It should be noted that all the steps above - is the introduction to the culture in vitro, the actual multiplication and rooting - can only be carried out in a specialized laboratory which has the equipment to work in sterile conditions, preparation and autoclaving of the nutrient substratum, and under the guidance of highly qualified staff with extensive experience over specific forest tree species. Creating such a laboratory at the Institute of Namangan, which will be an independent organization, is the aim of this project. This laboratory will be the first and only, so far in the country.

The method has many advantages:

we obtain healthy offspring from the selected healthy parent instances with the same characteristics;

we free the diseases and viruses in plants;

get 105 seedlings from one bud;

reduce the time getting ready to plant and reducing the time of the harvest for 2-3 years;

the most important one is, we can reproduce rare and endangered plant species and restore their populations.

Of all the benefits of the technology, read the project application. The laboratory will produce and distribute high-quality seedlings obtained from the previously healthy trees, grafted immune from illnesses occurring in the region, in a short time. The laboratory will be able to produce 15,000 to 20,000 seedling trees and plants for 6 months. Seedlings will be produced from locally cultivated plants and trees, which will already be vaccinated at the micro level, and spread through the Namangan region and other areas of the valley, to improve agrobiocenosis of the Fergana Valley.

It should be noted that the building of the laboratory, as well as all costs is granted by the Namangan regional administration.

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