The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

This film shows the beauty of planet Earth and the consequences of destruction caused by human activities. Industrial enterprises, the consequences of war, environmental disasters and wounds inflicted and not healing reveal to the viewer the real situation on Earth.

About the film

On June 5, 2009, on World Environment Day, the premiere of this film, unprecedented in its idea and implementation in the world film industry, took place in Paris, London, New York, Moscow, Tokyo and other major cities around the world. world.

HOME is the result of a collaboration between two masters of contemporary cinema, renowned wildlife photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand and acclaimed director Luc Besson. “HOME” is a year and a half of filming in more than 60 countries, the most beautiful corners of a disappearing planet. HOME is a visual masterpiece, a film of positive shock and discovery.

In one of his interviews, Yann Arthus-Bertrand says that a photograph of planet Earth taken from space turned out to be the most powerful photograph of his emotional impact. “When you look at the Earth from space, you feel more deeply that everything in the world is interconnected, that we are all brothers and sisters, no matter what continent or city you live on. The earth is our common home, we must take care of it.”
The film HOME took 15 years of work to make. During this period, 500,000 photographs were created, taken in more than 100 countries, 3 million books were sold, 100 free open-air exhibitions were organized, which were visited by more than 100 million people, 4 documentaries were shot, which were watched by 5 million people.

The film "HOME" shows the beauty of planet Earth and the consequences of destruction caused by human activity. As a result of the activities of industrial enterprises, the consequences of war, environmental disasters, the wounds inflicted on the Earth and not healing reveal to the viewer the real situation on the globe.

The main goal of the film is to show the beauty of our planet, our common home and emphasize the importance of its preservation. This film is intended to form a new worldview in people regarding the fact that everything in this world is interconnected and the task of each of us is to preserve nature and life on the entire planet.

HOME invites us to pause for a moment to better see our planet, understand it, and recognize how we relate to its beauty and richness.

Here are some facts presented in the film:

Over the past 100-50 years, the world has changed beyond recognition. Humanity, wanting to improve its standard of living, has made several amazing discoveries and new inventions that make life easier and more comfortable. Man, living on Earth (about 4 billion years) for 200,000 years, has penetrated almost all areas of habitat of living organisms. During their triumphal march in this era, the “Reasonable People” almost completely destroyed the ecological balance of the planet.

So, have we ever thought about how many species there are on Earth? Do we understand how closely they are related? How might the loss of a species affect all life on Earth? Do we understand that the ecosystem on Earth is a single organism? Are depletion of natural resources, global warming and widespread pollution the main concerns of anyone other than environmentalists and scientists?
What do we produce?
What do we eat and drink?
How much energy do we spend on the production of necessary and unnecessary(!) objects, products and things?
Using the wealth and reserves of our Mother Earth, what do we give back to her?
What do we throw into the river, soil, atmosphere?
The main thing is WHY are we doing this?

In a relatively short period of time, as a result of the irrational organization of human life, changes occurred similar to those described in the works of science fiction writers. But, unfortunately, they are very sad:

20% of the world's population consumes 80% of natural resources

In Las Vegas alone, one person consumes 800(!) liters of water daily.

Growing 1 kg of potatoes requires 100 liters of water.

For 1 kg of rice - 4000 liters of water.

1 kg of beef requires 13,000 (!!!) liters of water.

However, one in six people live in unhealthy or dangerous conditions, without access to water and electricity.

Half of all poor people live in countries rich in natural resources.

1 billion people in the world suffer from hunger.

But more than 50% of grain sold worldwide is used to feed livestock.

The growing demand for meat required the creation of livestock farms, more reminiscent of concentration camps: nothing grows on the “pastures”, livestock are fed grain and soybeans.

Every year, 13 million hectares of forest disappear from the face of the earth. Forests where no human foot can reach... turn into meat! (Because it is necessary to allocate new areas of land for growing soybeans and grains)

At the same time, 40% of arable land has become unusable.

Half of humanity is involved in agriculture...a lot of manual labor to feed themselves and their families.

However, the number of people wishing to use private transport is increasing every day. There are 900 million cars on earth today. There are as many cars in Los Angeles as there are people.

70% of water is used in agriculture

At the same time, 5,000 people die every day due to contaminated drinking water, and 1 billion people are deprived of safe drinking water according to sanitary and epidemiological standards...

All these paradoxes are clear evidence of an indifferent and reckless attitude towards natural and human resources. Now the demands of the world are already taking a path opposite to rationality and harmony with the Universe.

Why do large cities suffer from overpopulation, while villages 100 km from the capital, where the same migrating population could live, are in a deplorable state?

They say it's all about economics, but is it economical to use 13,000 liters of water to “cook” 1 kg of meat? Is it economically justifiable to lose entire civilizations due to improper and frivolous use of natural resources? Environmental disasters are often caused by unhealthy economic interests and poor decisions.

The climate control system is not able to cope with such waste and aggressive human intervention. The authors of the film “Home” emphasize that humanity has a maximum of 10 years left to prevent impending and irreversible environmental changes on Earth. By 2050, the number of climate refugees could reach 2 million due to the effects of global warming, floods and other natural disasters.


Every person on the planet can take some responsibility to stop pollution and the destruction of natural resources. Everyone, rich or poor, can contribute to improving the situation.

Some countries, recognizing the scale of impending destruction, have begun to implement programs to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources. These include renewable energy development programs: they involve the conversion of solar, wave and wind energy into energy.

For example, in 1 hour the Sun provides the energy that the entire population of the Earth consumes in a year!

Thus, the opportunity to eliminate the problem exists today. What matters is not what is lost, but what can be saved...
What can you personally do?

Retrieved from on September 15, 2009.
We have copies of the film in Russian and Uzbek languages. If you need copies of the film for your outreach work, we can send them to you. To do this, you need to contact us and ask us to send you a copy of the film.

The film can also be viewed at this link: (Attention! YouTube is not in a free zone!)