The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Winners took their prizes

On Wednesday, 14th of July, a rewarding ceremony of the winners of our contest which took place on 5th June on the World Environmental Day and the winners of the bicycle game which also took place not so long ago, was held in the UNDP conference hall. Both the World Environmental Day and the bicycle game were held with a huge support of the Youth Environmental Network (YEN). It is YEN guys who made all the contests and bicycle game a reality.

Various people came to the rewarding ceremony: adults and children, young enthusiasts and serious ones. But I think they all were extremely happy to get their prizes, the prizes, that all these people have won with dignity participating in our contests, the prizes for their knowledge about Environment, the prizes for the knowledge which, I am sure, they will all use in practice.

We really hope that from now on the winners will try not only to live their “green” life but also popularize it, so that others would do the same.