The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Karakalpakstan - expectations and results

After visiting Khorezm, we went to Karakalpakstan, where 2 projects awaited us - a no-tillage project and a phytomelioration project. The members of the committee flew to Tashkent from Urgench.

Upon arrival in Nukus, we immediately went to the office of our most important partner and elder brother in the GEF - the UNDP-GEF project “Conservation of tugai forests in the lower delta of the Amu Darya”. HalilulloSatimovichSherimbetov, head of the Tugai project, provides the GEF SGP with constant and all-round support. The idea for a zero tillage project was actually born in a tugai project:

• The head of our project - BakhytbayAybergenov, who formulated and initiated the whole process, is a consultant to the tugai community forestry project;

• the project area of ​​our project was selected on the territory of the previously planned biosphere reserve of the Kanlykol region;

• Zero-processing work has already been done by the tugai project, but, for reasons beyond the control of the project, has not been completed.

The whole project started together and is executed jointly and is a good example of how a large GEF project can work together with a small one.

HalilullaSatimovich advises to always keep the local leadership up to date. On the way, we stop by the local khokimiyat of the Kanlykol region. The khokim of the district - IbragimovTulubaiTursunbaevich is aware of all events and follows the progress of the project very closely. From the very beginning, he supported the project - you need to try something new in order to make the land productive and get a good harvest so much needed in the Aral Sea region. The khokim gives us his confidant, who must take us to the place of work.

We are calling Bakhytbay. He is waiting for us on the spot, in the fields. Design work is in full swing. To be honest, we had a cautious attitude towards zero processing from the very beginning. Yes, this practice seems to be the most progressive at the moment. Yes, all countries with irrigated agriculture use this practice more and more. Yes, this technology has been proven to be much more efficient than plowing and more land-friendly. But will it go to Uzbekistan? How will the farmers themselves perceive it? We are about to find out about this.

We arrive at the fields of the village of Zhaikhun. We are met by Bakhytbai, farmers. They talk about the progress of work, we ourselves see the equipment at work. Farmers are really interested in new equipment and new technology. The technology is, in principle, simple and boils down to three main elements: do not plow the land, but sow directly; leave plant residues on the surface that cover the soil surface; rotation of crops. To date, already 24 hectares of land are cultivated using the new technology, instead of the planned 10 pilot hectares. In addition to the planned activities, the project held a detailed seminar on the goals and objectives of the project for more than 120 participants (farmers of the district), representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ZhokargyKenes, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan, and employees of the District Khokimiyat. The demonstration seminar demonstrated the operation of a zero-seeding seeder and a laser planner. Two field days were held, during which the participants were trained in the practical work of the laser planner and zero seeder.

The work is in full swing, and in many respects thanks to the good project manager BakhytbayAybergenov, the support of the khokim of the Kanlykol region, Mr. Ibragimov, the support of the tugai project and the entire project team. Keep it up. Apparently, this project will also become one of the flagship projects of the GEF SGP.

The second project, carried out on the territory of Kanlykol and Kegeilinsky districts, has just begun its work. Planting of winter-hardy crops was carried out using the method of intermediate sowing. The first results will be visible in the spring. Now it is difficult to say something.

Well, about the monitoring trip, there is one more note - about drip irrigation. You may find it amusing. Here.