This project was the second to be submitted to the GEF SGP, after Djeyran project. Essentially, the project is very simple - to show how well a heating system of apartment houses can be organized in Tashkent and simultaneously reduce the discharge of huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and save much energy for the state.
The issue of global climate change, greenhouse gas emissions in atmosphere are the topics which are being discussed almost everywhere - on big summits and meetings of Heads of States and Governments, in mass media and even in conversation of elderly grandmothers on the bench near the front door. Everyone is talking about these issues differently.
Nevertheless, each of us can do something to solve this problem. The project can be an example. The essence of the project is in following:
Most apartment buildings in Tashkent are still having heating systems that are built on iron pipes. The pipes become rusty and clog very quickly. Every 5 years the new ones should be purchased and people have to spend money on dismantling of the old pipes and installing of the new ones. Naturally, no one wants to do it so often. What happens then? The pipes are remaining, but since their section is already small enough (clogged with the calx) to maintain the required quantity and pressure of hot water in the system, something should be done to make the water circulate in the heating system. The solution is simple: just organize “draining” of the heating system. Hot water in the heating system which must circulate in a closed loop now is drained into the sewerage system. So, now we constantly need a lot of hot water and for its heating we have to burn natural gas or coal in our boiler room, thus spending an enormous amount of water, natural resources and money.
The Homeowners Association (HOA) "Mustakillik Ikkinchi Kommunalchi” offered their own solution of the problem, which is not global, but still suitable for their houses. The project, proposed for consideration of GEF Small Grants Programme, was held on the example of apartment houses of the Association. The HOA consists of seven apartment houses with engineering services, which are home to 334 families, or about a thousand of people, including 93 families who are poor and socially vulnerable. The project aims at upgrading the heating system of the apartment houses of HOA. Modernization will mean replacement of the old iron pipes with modern plastic ones.
The project aims on demonstrating the possibility of such replacement, demonstrating economical expediency and benefits related to the global environment in terms of reduction of greenhouse gas emission. The reduction of the emissions will be obtained by reducing the consumption of warm water for heating, which requires burning of hydrocarbon fuel for its production. When working out the project, the residents have taken into account the fact that result will be effective only when the pipes will be replaced in all apartments, not just in the apartments whose residents are able to pay for the replacement. Thus, the project took into account not only an important social component that is replacement of pipes in the apartments of 93 low-income families, but the usefulness of the project for the environment was also increased.
It is estimated that the expected minimum ecological effect includes saving of natural gas by HOA 2,244 m3 per year, saving of 8,370 m3 of hot water and savings of electricity by HOA 72,360 kW/h per year. According to the normative calculations the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions just for the pilot houses will be at least 158,9 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.
The project was approved and admitted for implementation.
Project application
The project results will be uploaded to our site.