The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Training for the construction of biogas installations in Kashkadarya

On November 25 a training for the construction of biogas installations was conducted in Kitab and Shahrisabz towns (Kashkadarya region). The training was initiated by UNDP Area Based Development Programme (ABDP) in Kashkadarya at the request of the local authority (hereinafter referred to as the “hokimiyat”).

Due to the increasing demand for reliable energy sources and the lack of available energy to meet the needs of the local people, they have to look for any way out to "get" extra energy. Local hokimiyats asked the UNDP Area Based Development Programme for help, and the ABDP team asked the GEF SGP for assistance.

Currently, the GEF SGP has a number of projects aimed at development of biogas technology in Uzbekistan. We are doing our best to spread this technology in every possible way. One of such projects is a project in Syrdarya region. Within the framework of this project in Syrdarya, a woman farmer has built and started up a biogas installation, which now gives not only natural gas for heating the farm, but also gas for producing electricity. Project manager is an employee of Uzhydromet RUz - Irina Dergacheva.

It is this project that we presented to farmers in Kashkadarya as one of the models which they can follow. In Kitab the training was held in the hokimiyat building. Instead of planned 20 people more than 40 farmers came to study. In Shahrisabz there were over 30 farmers, although only 20 people planned to participate.

The training was successful, many people became interested in the technology. We also told about the training in Surkhandarya, where we went to after training for the GEF SGP matters. Here, the Association of Farmers became interested in it and also wanted to conduct a similar training for farmers of Surkhandarya.

Download the presentation for the farmers on the experience of biogas in the Syr Darya

(Warning: File size 11 MB)

Download the presentation on biogas
(Warning: File size 12 MB)