The GEF Small Grants Programme

in Uzbekistan

Samarkand greenhouse

Members of the coordinating committee went on a study, monitoring trip to Samarkand. There, members of the committee could get acquainted with the submitted project for the restoration of the greenhouse of Samarkand State University. The members of the committee saw the condition of the greenhouse and confirmed their opinions about the need to approve the project for its restoration.

At the moment, work on the project is already underway. Now a new, modern heating system is being installed. The boiler house was purchased at the expense of the Embassy of Switzerland, and additional equipment is purchased at the expense of the Embassy of the Republic of Germany. Purchased building materials were purchased at the expense of the United Nations Development Program in Uzbekistan. At the moment, new insulating material and other building materials are being purchased at the expense of the PMGEF. At the expense of the US Embassy, ​​work is underway to restore the scientific base of the greenhouse.

We still lack a small amount of money for the full implementation of the project, and we will be glad for any help and cooperation from commercial structures and donors.

Follow the news on the project on our website.

Well, now the road of our committee lay further, to the Jeyran eco-center